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Progressions: Songwriting

Section 2 -Revision & Honing Your Style

Guitarist Writing Song

Meeting ID: 837 5337 6615
Passcode: 415298

Week 1

"You write a hit the smae way you write a flop" - Alan Jay Lerner

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024


Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

Tuesday - Revising your ideas


Revising Guidelines


  - Strategies for working through the hard moments.

  - Making your songs more interesting.

  - Layered approach

     - Sculptor

     - Professor

     - attourney

  - Thinking through your characters and narrative elements.

  - Merging ideas



Rewriting worksheet



Assignments -

1. Make a list of common phrases you use when you speak.

2. Make a list of questions to ask yourself when editing

3. Rewrite a verse of song you have already finished that uses a "predictable" rhyme. Use less "predictable words".




Thursday - [IN-PERSON] @ Swallow Hill - Workshopping songs with Caleb Schwing





Class Recordings






Week 2

"I started being a songwriter by pretending I could do it, and it turned out I could." - James Taylor

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024


Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Tuesday - revising your lyrics


Revising Lyrics - Guidelines


- Thinking through your narrative

- Thinking through your imagery

- Punching up your lines

- Finding your own words


Assignment: Write a song from one of the song prompts, or from your title list or idea list.






Thursday - Workshopping session [In Person]

- Bring a song to share that you have worked on revising

Class Recordings


Passcode: b7wy@+Zr




Week 3

The more time you spend writing the "luckier" you will get.

Tuesday, October15th, 2024


Thursday, October 17th, 2024

Tuesday - Revising Your Music

Revising Music - Guidelines



- Re-harmonizing

- composing a linear melody

- Differentiating your sections

- Groove and texture


Assignment: Write a song using the chord progression: Am-D-G in the verse. Start your chorus on a Bm chord.






Thursday - No Class - Martin Out


Don't forget to contact Martin about setting up a 1-on-1 song coaching session!



Class Recordings

Passcode: 3$QUDL+Q



Passcode: =@xe6xbM

Week 4

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas Edison

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024


Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Tuesday - Finishing revising?

- laying out your song

- creating the product

- Preparing it for rehearsal

- revision after performance


- Chart template


Assignment: Finish a song that you have started and make a lyric sheet with the chord progression.






Thursday - Section 2 Workshop (In Person)

Bring a song written from Section 2 writing prompts



Class Recordings







"Yellow Submarine" Songwriting Work Tapes - Part 1

"Yellow Submarine" Songwriting Work Tapes - Part 2

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