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Class Schedule

June 29 - Class 1

July 6 - Class 2 (Jen Hitt Subbing)

July 13 - Class 3

July 20 - Class 4 (video)

July 27 - Class 5 (Sub)

August 3 - Class 6

August 10 - Class 7

August 17 - Class 8

Songwriting: In Depth

Class 1

Getting Started

1. What is a song?

2. The songwriting process.

3. Audience

4. Things to keep in mind

     a.) Songwriting is hard.

     b.) Songwriting is decision making

     c.) Don't edit while you create

     d.) No one hears it until you play it

     e.) You get better with practice.

Class 2

Writing Workshop

Bring a song that is unfinished to workshop with the group.


Give constructive and helpful criticism and be open to suggestion!


Class 3


1. The Musical Alphabet

2. Triads - Different Keys

3. Tonic, Pre-dominant, Dominant Chords

4. Melodic Imagery

5. Matching Music to Lyrics

6. Melodies and Form


Exercises - Match Chords to Lyrics, Melodic Lines, New Melodies to Old Songs

Class 4

Writing Lyrics (Video)

1. Rhyme Scheme

2. Meter and Word Placement

3. Song Types

4. Character

5. Lyrics and Audience


Exercises - Free Writing, Rhyming, New words to old songs


Poetics - Wikipedia

Class 4 Video - Writing Lyrics
Guitarist Writing Song


Welcome songwriters! This class is an overview of songwriting and the songwriting process. It is meant for new writers and experienced writers, and there should be plenty of material for all of you.


All you will need for this class is a notebook and a pen or pencil. We will explore the elements of songwriting, where to find inspiration, and the work it takes to make a song.


Thanks for joining me!

Class 5

Writing Workshop

Bring a song that is unfinished to workshop with the group.


Give constructive and helpful criticism and be open to suggestion!

Class 6

Form and Formula

1. Song Forms

2. Form Sections

3. Real-estate

4. Using Form as Imagery

5. Established Forms


Exercises - Song Form Worksheets

Class 7

Finding Inspiration

1. What should you write about?

2. Developing your resources.

3. Listening, observing, and creating

4. Things to keep in mind

5. Resources that exist


Oblique strategies

Improve Songwriting



Class 8

Publishing and Licensing

1. Copyrighting

2. Licensing & Publishing

3. Distributing

4. Co-Writing

5. The Music Business



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