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Progressions: Songwriting

Section 1 -Getting Started

Songwriter in a songwriting process. A male composer write lyrics on a notebook while play

Week 1

"You write a hit the same way you write a flop" - Alan Jay Lerner

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025


Thursday, February 6th, 2025

Tuesday - Introduction & Orientation


  - How to navigate this course

      - Key chart

      - Rhyming dictionary

      - Presenting songs

      - Work-shopping

          - Giving good feedback

          - Receiving feedback

          - Asking for advice


  - The Songwriting Process

  - The Audience


Assignments -

1. Get a notebook! Or set up a digital place to keep ideas and work in for the course...or get both!


2. Find a song and break it down. Write a short description of the song thinking about form, chords, rhyme scheme, imagery, etc. Tell me why you like it, and why you don't


3. Explore the rhyming dictionary as well as the resource section in this progressions course.


4. Find a time and a place to write. Be prepared to share that with the group next Tuesday!




Thursday - [IN-PERSON @ SHMA] - Workshop #1


You must bring a song or a partial song to share with the class.


Class Recordings


Passcode: g5$SN5^6




Week 2

"I started being a songwriter by pretending I could do it, and it turned out I could." - James Taylor

Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Thursday, February 13th, 2025

Tuesday -

Doing the work!


Homework - Where are you writing? When?​


Building your resource -

  1. Song Title List

  2. Idea List

  3. Develop your weakness


  - Show up to the easel           

  - Your writing space

  - Obstacles

  - Reviewing your repertoire

     - what songs have you started? Finish those.


- Habits to develop

     - Carry a notebook

     - Observe and listen

     - Ask questions and be in your head

     - Write, write, write!

     - Read lots of books

     - Make decisions

     - Power through or let it rest




1. Find at least one song that is unfinished, either in your mind or in your writings and finish it this weekend.


2. Notebook - Somewhere near the front of your notebook, make a list of songwriting topics you can draw on. (It is helpful to have this list in a Google Doc as well where you can access it from anywhere.) You need ten topics/ideas.


3. Somewhere in your notebook make list of titles that you can draw from for this class. (also helpful to have in Google Docs) Make a list of 20 titles.




Thursday - [IN-PERSON @ SHMA] Workshop #2

- Bring a song that is incomplete


Class Recordings


Passcode: 8m.!TM#N




Week 3

“My advice for songwriters? Sit down and work at it! The more songs you write, the more good songs you’ll have." - Roger McGuinn

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Tuesday - Form and Structure - Building a Worksheet


- The song forms

- Rhyme Schemes

- The Musical Alphabet

  - Chords, Voicings

  - Diatonic Triad Chart


- Standard Chord progressions

- Charts

   - Sample Lyric Sheet







Thursday - [IN-PERSON @ SHMA] - Workshop #3


  - Bring a completed song to share.


Class Recordings





Week 4

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas Edison

Tuesday, February 25th, 2025


Thursday, February 27th, 2025

Tuesday - Finding Inspiration - Creation - Discussion class


- Tips for Creativity

- Creativity Exercises


Assignments -


1. Free write for ten minutes using your non-dominant hand. 


Assignment - Make a list of five things that make you feel creative.






Thursday - [ONLINE] - Section 1 Workshop

Bring a song written from Section 1 writing prompts



Class Recordings






Passcode: lk0#MH3G

Meeting ID: 837 5337 6615
Passcode: 415298


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